Archive for December, 2023

Gloria in excelsis Deo!

Monday, December 25th, 2023

The benefit of cropping exercises

Wednesday, December 20th, 2023

“Accepting the familiar is the enemy of seeing… Seeing takes work and patience and concentration and focus otherwise we are always walking around in a fog only seeing what we think we know but not actually seeing anything at all.”
— Cecil Touchon

Cropping exercises always offer some insights about internal composition and color relationships. The more I internalize spatial decisions and color judgments, the less reason there is to think about them when I seek spontaneity in pasting ingredients. Please take a look at the entire collection that I call LITTER-ALLY KENTUCKY.


collage en plein air by J A Dixon
giclée prints of originals are available

Wednesday, December 13th, 2023

“Indeed, it is perhaps the notion of possessiveness that characterizes the fundamental problem of the human being. True freedom involves a kind of self-dispossession, and a letting go of the attachment to the ‘mine-ness’ of one’s actions… We need to be ‘still,’ to empty ourselves of worldly distractions and illusory attachments, to be able to ‘hear’ and come to understand the Word that is eternally communicated by the Father in the ground. In this sense, it is not as though God is absent in us and then becomes present due to some action of ours that we undertake of our own initiative. Rather, for Eckhart, our task as human beings is to come to be able to listen to — and thereby apprehend — the Word that is eternally and always poured out into us.”

Amber Griffioen, on Meister Eckhart, 5/1/23