Archive for March, 2009

Ordered steps

Monday, March 9th, 2009

March exercise—day nine— Where did the day go? Still trying to achieve the level of focus that makes this exercise worthwhile. Probably the most interesting conversation of the day was with the Lieutenant. We brainstormed about having my friend Eric come up from Franklin for a concert early this summer. From the time Eric created “Cooler” in 1999, I hoped for another CD from him with the same innovative blend of mellow reverence and uplifting energy. I was delighted to learn about “The Jazz in Me,” and invited Dan to check out the new disc. I think this music is perfect for a fundraising concert or community outreach event. I’ve probably written about Eric here before. Dana arranged for him to play at my 50th birthday party. His jazzy tunes are laid back but buoyant, and his improvisational gifts have clearly reached new heights.

Today’s sight bite— A balding Walie, tugging at the leash —c-l-i-c-k— as if she’d forgotten everything I taught her about the proper way to take a neighborhood stroll.

Tomorrow— Perhaps enough physical progress to attempt a Pilates session…

Sabbath lamb

Sunday, March 8th, 2009

March exercise—day eight— Dadbo would have relished seizing a weekend like this for a constructive jump on spring, and now, as I type this entry after dark, that pleasant bubble of exotic air is being shoved aside by severe weather. Dana and I enjoyed our morning walk past the marina, out to the abandoned island resort, but we shared a desire to have hiked in a setting which might’ve done better justice to the unseasonably warm day. Nevertheless, the steep hills gave our hearts an overdue workout, in addition to the panoramic views of Herrington Lake.

Today’s sight bite— The squirrel, positioned under our damaged porch eave —c-l-i-c-k— balanced on a rotting slat like a springboard diver.

Tomorrow— Volunteer consultations kick off a week of diverse projects…

Saturday chores

Saturday, March 7th, 2009

March exercise—day seven— Not unlike many other people, most of the day was spent out of doors, capturing the mild weather. My lower back complained like a cranky teenager, but I was eager to tie up the loose ends of yard clean-up. The next rain will set the stage for lawn seeding, and I needed to clear away the last of the limb debris. How’s that for an exciting log entry? We ended the evening with a viewing of Eastwood’s Changeling. His color palette was handsome and the period look convincing, but an effective mood never coalesced for me, as with Mystic or Baby. I was ready to move on before it was over. Clint, it’s time to give Paul Haggis a call.

Today’s sight bite— Red bird perched on the stub of a butchered tree —c-l-i-c-k— singing as if there were no more frozen mornings ahead.

Tomorrow— An effort to guide the exercise toward imaginative waters…

Flatly unacceptable

Friday, March 6th, 2009

March exercise—day six— When the corner video store can tell you every movie you’ve ever rented there, and a vast enterprise like Amazon can process and recall each product you may have momentarily drooled over in front of your monitor, there is absolutely no excuse for a hospital not making readily available—and for not enforcing—a list of medications that will cause known danger to a particular patient, especially when just such an allergy list has been provided to it on more than one occasion. My conclusion is not that it can’t; the shameful circumstance is that it apparently won’t. Incredible as it seems, Bruce has recovered enough to be released today. I shall do everything within my power to see that he never spends another minute under the care of that institution.

Today’s sight bite— Bruce seated at his favorite spot on the couch —c-l-i-c-k— laughing when I prescribe a dose of Patrick McGoohan.

Tomorrow— Return to the full-blown exercise…

Measured gains

Thursday, March 5th, 2009

March exercise—day five— Improvements were recognized today on all fronts, but I don’t think I shall personally feel 100% for a bit more time. Bruce was doing a newspaper puzzle (a most welcome sign), but seems more concerned with solving the riddle of his unexpected plunge into such a perilous state. Brendan sent a heartwarming note of support. The County Judge and I secured an appointment in the state capital to visit with Transportation Cabinet people. Attended the reception at the Arts Center, learned more from David F about getting introduced to an art buyer, and met a very good pastel artist from Lexington. After that, Dana went to the New York Philharmonic performance with our Russian friend, Irina, another exceptionally creative individual.

Today’s sight bite— Bruce in his demeaning hospital garb —c-l-i-c-k— sitting on the edge of his bed in conversation with an ever-faithful mother.

Tomorrow— A new attempt at imposing the exercise…

Awaited turnaround

Wednesday, March 4th, 2009

March exercise—day four— Spent most of the day in bed with some sort of relapse into flu-like symptoms. On top of it, my sore back feels no better than yesterday. I didn’t make it over to the hospital. Dana reported that Bruce recognized her, wept, and wanted to come home. Things are moving in the right direction at last.

Today’s sight bite— Silhouettes of treetops visible through my window —c-l-i-c-k— like a cut-paper illustration, with the diagonal slashes of ice-broken limbs disturbing the composition.

Tomorrow— Hope for improved well-being…

Musculoskeletal setback

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009

March exercise—day three— (Dear Back, You picked a great time to act up again. Please knock it off and return my mobility. Your friend, John.) The probable result of a 24-hour dose of stress, my lower back has treated me with an unexpected spasm when I bent over to work on a snarl of power cords. Bruce is doing slightly better after they moved a dialysis unit into his ICU chamber, but he still doesn’t recognize his visitors. Mombo sent out a nice prayer request.

Today’s sight bite— The high-resolution digital television picture —c-l-i-c-k— that is a result of solid professional know-how.

Tomorrow— I have absolutely no idea what Wednesday will bring…

Lost compression

Monday, March 2nd, 2009

March exercise—day two— If you want to watch the day blow a gasket, try imposing a rigid framework on it. We were at the hospital by midmorning, after learning that Bruce had been transferred to critical care in a state of acute delirium. I had to break away and respond to the County Judge Executive, who sought an immediate consultation on pressing “bicycle matters.” Have I actually become the local “go-to guy” on those issues? By the end of the day, it’s clear to us that Bruce is having an adverse reaction to medications he should not have been given—but nobody connected with his care seems willing to admit the obvious.

Today’s sight bite— The incomparable, gradient ultramarine of a pre-sunrise sky —c-l-i-c-k— crenelated from below by the jutting shapes of downtown commercial structures.

Tomorrow— Juggling the rituals of heightened awareness with the breaking developments of family crisis…

February absconds

Sunday, March 1st, 2009

March exercise—day one— One would think that I’d be completely familiar with February’s annual habit of ducking out early, but it caught me by surprise again this year, and now the March Exercise is upon me before the full preliminaries are complete. Surely the highlight of the day was our meeting in Lexington with K&KK about their wedding ideas and plans. More than an invitation design, this will be an opportunity to collaborate on introducing the thematic impression of what is certain to be a classy, memorable event.

Today’s sight bite— The “evening star,” in all her naked splendor, poses proudly above the urban competitors —c-l-i-c-k— and I almost convince myself that I can see her tiny crescent with the bare eye.

Tomorrow— With Monday-morning appropriateness, details of the regimen are put into effect…