Archive for July, 2005

Panis Angelicus and Jack the Ripper

Monday, July 11th, 2005

Ate breakfast, after shower, with Bob and Carol. Had oatmeal, prunes, toast and grapefruit juice, tea with milk. Walked to American Express to get checks cashed and to internet cafe to check e-mail. Mine was very slow so I didn’t get to read them. I did send a message home. Then we walked to Somerset […]

Travel Quotes–Europe throught the Back Door by Rick Steves

Monday, July 11th, 2005

Travel is intensified living–maximum thrills per minute and one of the last great sources of legal adventure. Travel is freedom. It’s recess and we need it. . . Affording travel is a metter of priorities (make do with the old car). . .in many ways, spending more money only builds a thicker wall between you […]

The 10 Foods You Would Take On Magic Island Game

Sunday, July 10th, 2005

Here are the results of our game. We decided we could share foods and that all desired drinks were provided. Sharon–watermelon, potatoes, cheese, broccoli, blueberries, tomatoes, eggs, onions, yogurt, Godiver truffles. Joan–spinach, bananas, blueberries, eggs, yogurt, sweet potatoes, granola, almonds, bread&butter, bread pudding. Carol–potatoes, peanuts, green grades, bing cherries, cabbage, bread&butter, bananas, beets, granola, green […]

Not Everything is as it Seems

Sunday, July 10th, 2005

Up for breakfast at the St. Margaret’s at 9 a.m. with Bob and Carol. I had prunes, poached egg on toast, tea with milk. Hailed a cab after some difficulty to St. Paul’s Cathedral and got there just in time for the 11:00 service–Stravinsky Mass with male choir (boys and men) and wind quintet. Female […]

The St. Margaret’s and the British Museum

Saturday, July 9th, 2005

Arrived at St. Margaret’s Hotel at around 11 after cab drive from Victoria Station. I was actually at VICTORIA STATION!! Roads were blocked off because of bombing so cab dropped us off and we walked. Bob anc Carol already here. We all took showers and walked to the British Museum. Ater at the restaurant there. […]

Off to London!

Friday, July 8th, 2005

Got up at 6:30 a.m. (not early enough), finished packing, tea and banana bread, made copies of passport and credit card at St. Mark. Yesterday terrorists bombed three tube stations and a bus in London. Around 40 people dead. We’re still going. Left with Bob and Carol for Cincy airport at 10:30. They stayed at […]

The St. Margaret’s

Friday, July 8th, 2005

Arrived at St. Margaret’s Hotel at around 11 after cab drive from Victoria Station. I was actually at VICTORIA STATION!! Roads were blocked off because of bombing so cab dropped us off and we walked. Bob anc Carol already here. We all took showers and walked to the British Museum. Ater at the restaurant there. […]