The 10 Foods You Would Take On Magic Island Game

Here are the results of our game. We decided we could share foods and that all desired drinks were provided.

Sharon–watermelon, potatoes, cheese, broccoli, blueberries, tomatoes, eggs, onions, yogurt, Godiver truffles. Joan–spinach, bananas, blueberries, eggs, yogurt, sweet potatoes, granola, almonds, bread&butter, bread pudding. Carol–potatoes, peanuts, green grades, bing cherries, cabbage, bread&butter, bananas, beets, granola, green beans Bob–peanuts, potatoes, granola, cheese, apples, bacon, cabbage, spinach, strawberries, grapefruit.

Bread&butter does not count as two because we made it all one word and because Carol chose it first, and she made up the game. Would you like to submit your list? Just email me, and I’ll publish it. Remember, you’ll be on Magic Island for the rest of your life, so choose foods you don’t think you’ll tire of.

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