Not Everything is as it Seems

Up for breakfast at the St. Margaret’s at 9 a.m. with Bob and Carol. I had prunes, poached egg on toast, tea with milk. Hailed a cab after some difficulty to St. Paul’s Cathedral and got there just in time for the 11:00 service–Stravinsky Mass with male choir (boys and men) and wind quintet. Female priest, but homilist was male. Beautiful music. Sharon had a wonderful, busy day planned for us. Walked over the bridge to the West Bank of the Thames. Ate tuna and canaloni beans salad on spinach. Delish! Walked along the West Bank. Saw Globe Theatre. Crossed over Waterloo Bridge. Took many pictures. Visited Covent Garden (not a garden) and shopped. Had lime and mint cooler at Piazza Cafe. Shopped at tea shop and Crabtree and Evelyn. Saw street performers–singer, guitarist, unicyclist, juggler. One man fussed at me because I video-taped the singer and didn’t give him money. We also went to Leicester Square (not a square)–entertainment district–movie theatres, casinos, restaurants, video arcade, other theatres. Saw a Swiss glockenspiel, but it didn’t play like we thought it would. Then walked to Picadilly Circus (not a circus). Saw Chinatown, Eros statue. Found our theatre for DEATH OF A SALESMAN. Walked a lot. Ended up at Rock and Sole Plaice(rock=fish, sole=fish, plaice=fish)for cod fish and chips. I had a glass of wine. Very good food. Played a game Carol made up called 10 FOODS YOU WOULD TAKE ON A MAGIC ISLAND. Fun Day!

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