Adkins North

We journeyed to Urbana today to see the North Adkins family. We gathered at Dennis’s house. Jacque, Keith, Madeline, and Logan were in from St. Louis, and Jacque had mae a great lunch for us–ham, twice-baked potatoes, corn, pumpkin pie, etc. Chris has to work so we only saw her for a little while. Pops and Edie were there, so we exchanged gifts. Alison’s kids (Kaelie and Mya) had gone to visit Ben’s parents so we didn’t get to see them. I was very important to reconnect–we miss this side of our family. On the way back we decided to stop in Cincy to visit with Alice for a little while. We had thought we’d say the night, but decided to drive the rest of the way. Alice had a delicious pizza supper for us. She has been working on the front of her house (new concrete drive, etc.), and it is going to look great.

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