Glory Day

Two years ago today, I woke to find my dear, precious Joe Wood dead in the bed beside me. Aunt Betty, my model true believer, would call this Joe’s Glory Day. KK and I decided that today should be a party since we decorated Kelley Ridge for Christmas for the first time this year. So we sent out Open House invites (you can see one on her Enlgand Blog site), fixed lots of eats, and waited for people to come. I was worried about the space (Kelley Ridge isn’t overly endowed with square footage), but it was perfect, except for the fact that I kept my apron on all night so that no one could see my sexy Christmas party outfit. We didn’t have a fire in our little woodstove, because it was too warm, but it was comfortable. Lights on the gate greeted people as they entered, and some even noticed the candy cane shaped evergreen wreaths on the “TW” barn. We put big lights on the deck railing, little colored lights on the grey twig dogwood and crepe myrtle bushes (one was mostly red), and white lights on my favorite lilac bush. In the living room the 9 foot pre-lit skinny artificial tree that Joe would have nixed glowed to welcome everyone (I’m so glad I had Janet’s suggestion for purchasing it and KK’s shopping energy to track it down.) We had red-ribboned wreaths on every sun-welcoming window, garland on the sills and around the door, and a Grandy-bo grapevine wreath on the olden-day jail door that everyone entered. KK had made mulled wine and mince pies to add an English flair. Maria and Brendan donated many goodies, especially BCA’s signature chocolate chip cookies. When John, Dana, Lea, and David arrived, they added peppermint cocoa and wholesome cookies. Michele and Frank appeared with a poinsettia stained glass piece, Beth and Jim with her now signature Irish soda bread, Joshie with party mix, and the crew from Chapel with bourbon balls. Patti came, too, and I know she handed me something. Maybe she brought the bourbon balls. Ian came late, but he got there, safe and sound, having rented a car with Simon to drive in from New York. Andy came, and Kyle was there way ahead to help with everything and to hang my beautiful new original painting of Kelley Ridge at dawn from Jerome and Janet. They tell me that if I ever leave, I can still take this place with me. I will anyway, in my heart.

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