Rainy Days and Work Weekends

Went to church this a.m. and sang with the choir at Mass. I like doing that–I feel close to those with whom I sing in worship. Then back to Kelley Ridge for the rest of my work weekend. After I tried to clean up a little inside with all the drywall dust and spackling compound everywhere, Jeffrey came and we discussed Joe’s land on the Kentucky River. He had journeyed there with Bobby E. to see the 6+ acres, at least half of which floods during part of the year. Jeff seems to think it would make a good Clan Campground. Jay, Glenda, Joey, Jerry B., and Michele arrived. We went to Betty Jo’s to get two wood stoves, insulation, a barn vent (ma-shu-ga-dare), but forgot the boat motor, so Jay will go back to get that later. Then back to Kelley Ridge to play musical woodstoves and trade them between trailers so that one went inside K.R., Jerry B. took one to his house, and two went to the Valley. Michele helped me move my clothes upstairs out of the drywall dust. Joey took away more scrap metal, and Glenda took away canning jars. I drove the woodstoves to the Valley and ate supper with Mombo. It was a productive day.

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