Not soon enough

Well, I thought I would start it, but then the week went bonkers and here I am at school on a Saturday in order to talk to my daughter on Skype, and at least add SOMETHING to this blasted blog. The week went bonkers because a revolution is fomenting at my workplace, and I’m right in the middle of it. It would not matter so much, but having recently endured the mother of all empty nest experiences (children all leave, sell house, get married, priest leaves, husband dies, dog dies, son goes to California, daughter goes to England, dead husband’s family deserts me), I have coped by burying myself in my work while relying on my clan and best friends, and now my workplace/worshipspace has morphed into something I don’t recognize and is inhabited by pod people with alien mind sets from Pennsylvania, Texas, and Massachusetts. (I mean no disrespect to those states.) So it’s like I don’t have that anchor any more either.

But today I slept in (7:30 a.m. is that for me) and had hazelnut coffee with milk that Joe introduced me to when I first met him, and half a burnt bagel because I had to toast it in the oven because Joe didn’t believe in toasters and a half because Greg Brown needed a morning treat, and a banana because my mother and I are trying to be more alkaline. And in the middle of that yummy fare, my brother, sister-in-law, and nephew arrived to help haul away the Murray graveyard. So we loaded the truck and trailer and stopped by my mother-in-law’s to check out what Joe still has in her basement, and ate at the Country Diner. Their pork tenderloin is incredible.

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