Baby Anthony

Below you will find an update on little Anthony, a baby my friends and I have been praying for. He has a heart malfunction. His parents are both in the military and are both pilots. His dad was supposed to be deployed to Afghanistan after Anthony was born, but since he was so critical, they allowed his dad to stay here with him. Please pray for these people and this little boy. As it says below, they are relying on prayers to keep them going.

Good Morning Everyone. Anthony has taken a turn for the worse in regards to his heart function and breathing assistance. He has been struggling to breathe the last few days. Despite attempts to keep him on non-invasive breathing assistance; this morning’s chest x-ray showed that the mid-lobe of his right lung has a large fluid build-up requiring his re-intubation. It appears his lungs are having difficulty because of the reduced function of his heart. We were on a plan that was basically pushing him to heart success or failure. He seems to have hit the limit of his heart’s capability. The doctors increased his milrinone and restarted dopamine. We expect to sit down with the Doctors later today and discuss our road ahead-reactivating Anthony’s status on the organ recipient list. Use of dopamine (which is hard on the heart) is an indicator they are working to preserve his other organs in order to make him a better recipient. It is hard to see him look so much better then take such a drastic turn for the worse again. When we know more we will post; but please say a prayer for Anthony. All the past prayers have done wonders and we are very appreciative to everyone who has kept us in their prayers and reached out to us with love and support (it helps us get through this).

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