The Wedding of Caitlan and Kyle

The day started with a delicious breakfast of yogurt parfaits and cheese souffle at the Rocking Horse Manor. Alyx came to do KK’s hair, and what a beautiful job she did! It looked just gorgeous. The girlies then took her to get her make-up done at Clinique. I wanted to go along, but I had last minute things to do at the reception hall, etc. I wish I could have been more available to Caitlan–I felt like I needed to be in three places or more at once! Caitlan and Kyle had decided not to see each other, but I was in communication with both via cell phone trying to make sure forgotten items got taken care of. I know they both needed each other for reassurance, but they stuck to their decision. The photographer arrived and seemed to be everywhere, taking pictures of the boys and then of the girls, first at the Manor, and then at the Church. At times it felt like a circus, and I know everything was getting to Caitlan. But finally we were at the church in the girlies’ room eating snacks, and trying to steam out the wrinkles on KK’s dress and in her face. The guests were arriving as we snuck into the back room of the church waiting to enter. The music began and we lit the girls’ candles. Then KK went outside in the cold so that she could enter through the vestibule without her groom seeing her. We didn’t know if the little “snowflake girls” would walk up the aisle, but Juliana and Tori were just perfect in their little red velvet gowns. And then I took the arm of my beautiful daughter, dressed in the gown Monica made to fit her perfectly. On her bodice was the lace that trimmed my veil in 1975 as I walked down the aisle to meet her father. The wedding march began and we walked together, all smiles, toward Kyle whose face was lit up with his love for Caitlan. A kiss on her cheek, a kiss on his, I placed her hand in his, and sat down by my mom, to watch the sacrament which joined my lovely daughter to her mate for life. I shed no tears. My heart was filled with happiness.

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