Update #7–They’re a Family!!

I didn’t look at the clock, but I think they rolled in around 6:30 p.m.. She was asleep in her carseat, so Jerome and Janet came in and made over the dogs for a little bit first. Then Jerome lovingly got her out. After a while she let me hold her, and I made her laugh when I batted the “Welcome Home” balloon that Rita and Seth brought her at the airport. Connie reluctantly said her goodbyes. She sat in her highchair and ate a cracker, and then Mr. Money (Poppy) and Mrs. Money (DoDo) came over, and Mr. Money gave her a bottle. She has already learned how to make her baby toys play music and squeek. She says “Mama” for Janet and “Dada” for Jerome. Oh, and did I say that her eyes are liquid pools of bittersweet chocolate? I’m in love.

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