It’s been raining forever and that’s not good for shoes

So I put on my dark green suede Christmas shoes, and then on the way into school I accidentally walked through a puddle, and about 15 minutes later one sole felt sort of flappy, and then the other one did, and then they both just fell off. So I went around all day with green suede on the top of my feet and a sort of gauze on the bottom. Don’t think I didn’t try to Elmer’s glue them on during my lunch break. I even weighed them down with encyclopedias. But as soon as I put them back on they flapped off, and then I had to wipe off the leftover Elmer’s before the next class came in. I know you won’t believe this, but sometimes even duct tape doesn’t work. Walking to the car at the end of the day was pretty soppy.

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