England Trip Day Three–Journal

We were up early and drove to Leigh on Sea wtih Judy and Charles. We stopped at their flat (very cute–1 bedroom, living room, kitchen and bath) then walked to Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church for Palm Sunday Mass. we began with palms and procession from outside. It was a very old church–prety stained glass but all statuary covered with purple. Many young children in the congregation. After church we ate meat pie and hot cross buns. Charles and Judy returned from their church, and we took a driving tour of Leigh on Sea, Southend on Sea and Wahering. We saw Priory Park and MOD (Ministry of Defense) outpost. Had softserve ice cream (very rich) from Rossi’s. The we went to Ruth and Len’s house (friends of Judy’s) and Jerome worked on Tulah who had been in a car wreck and has been in pain for three years. They are very evangelical Christians. Very pretty home. For supper we went to the Tandoori Parlor for an Indian buffet. I liked the appetizers best. Long drive back to Hever Hotal. Brendan, Caitlan, and I worked crossword puzzles together much of the day. It was good getting to know Judy and Charles. He is very funny. Wish Brendan could spend more time with us, though. Sorry tomorrow will be his last day with us.

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