No WILD HOGS for You!

I worked hard yesterday at 4th St. and thought I deserved a break of laughter. I finished the staircase in the entry room. James had come last weekend and really got me going on it-I guess I was at a kind of roadblock–it seems too big a task. But when he came and just went to town on the beautful solid walnut banister and the door and staircase, I helped from the other side. We didn’t have time to finish, but this week when I came, the task did not seem so insurmountable. I finished it and then put the second coat of varnish on the kitchen peninsula, having sanded it for the second time. Jim Brown had come during the week and got the washer, dryer, and dishwasher running. The carpet men came and put in the living room carpet and Jerry Bogie got the electrical inspection done. Now all that really remains inside the apartment is finishing the walls of the front entry room and texturing the ceiling where it has been repaired. It’s hard to believe. I’ve had so much wonderful help. The upstairs renters moved out yesterday, but I actually showed the downstairs apartment to someone who seems very interested in renting it, so I really have to get it done. Anyway, I thought I should laugh and had seen ads for William H. Macy’s new movie, so I tried to find someone to go with in me in Richmond. No takers, but Jim and Beth decided to go to a movie in Danville. I think they really wanted to go to see THE ASTRONAUT FARMER, but I made them too late, and then WILD HOGS was sold out. So we went to the Hub and dramk tea and coffee and talked and listened to music. It might have been better than WILD HOGS.

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