I’m Baa-aack!

Well, I was in the pit for a while and I hade to climb out, but now I’m better. It was weird because KK was sick in England, too, and so at first I thought I had gotten her germs over SKYPE, but then I decided it was just sympathy illness. Actually, I probably just caught Marion County Public School germs that I’m not immune to yet. Also I had to have my own book fair at Lebanon Elementary, and since I had never done it before, it was a real challenge. I’ll know a lot more when I have to do it again in the spring. It was a lot of hard work and long hours, but it was worth it because I made over $1800 in books for that library. We really need them, but now I have to deal with cataloging them all–another monumental job, and I have a backlog at the school, so it’s one of those things that I can’t look at as a whole or I become overwhelmed. Just a piece at a time. That is a lesson I have learned from Michele and from Jeff and Lea. It is a good lesson.

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