Visitors From Owatonna

Well, not actually from Owatonna. They were coming through from Florida on their way to Iowa and then to Minnesota last night, but to me they will always be from Owatonna. My Thanksgivings spent on Linn Drive with Nancy and her family are still fresh with smells and sounds and cold. Now she is retired (jealousy like bile coming up my throat), still maintains her home in Clinton, has her own personal assistant small business, and can spend time with Mor-mor (her mom) as she wishes. Mombo drove in to Kelley Ridge and we met her there. They looked over my progress on finishing things. Mor-mor is never hesitant to give me her advice, which I welcome. “Sell everything and build your home in the Valley.” Nancy–“Maybe it’s not quite time yet” meaning “Maybe you’re not quite ready yet.” Then we ate at Woody’s and had the dining room to ourselves so that we could converse in peace without blaring music. A quick look at 4th Street, dropped them off at the Hampton, and back to KR. I needed a mental health day to collect my thoughts. So I took today off, Mom and I came back to Richmond to have breakfast before Nancy and Mor-mor left, went to Penney’s to buy Mom a top for mother’s Day, worked on job applications on Sharon’s high speed internet connection, then back to KR. I saw Mom off and realized that I need to spend more time with her. She is my energizer bunny.

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