Arrested Development has been cancelled, which is also sad. Every year or two people are angry and vocal about the fact that Fox will air one brilliant show, and then, as soon as it’s been running for nine episodes, kill it off. It’s kind of amazing that Arrested Development lasted as long as it did. The simple fact is that network executives like audiences that watch many of their programs–the people who will watch not just the primetime hit, but the lead-in and the follow-up. Even if a show has decent ratings and a psychotic interweb following, it won’t last if its audience only watches it. Sic AD, sic Wonderfalls, sic Firefly.

Personally, I think TV Land, which gave the show a Future Classic award, should put its money where its mouth is. Arrested Development’s budget can’t cost that much more than the syndication rights to M*A*S*H or whatever. I mean, what are you paying for? Four sets and Ron Howard’s roboharem?