… The mastermind behind “Gothika” and Halle [Berry]’s glammed-down and physically demanding role is producer Joel Silver.

“She broke her arm in a very violent scene where she’s being restrained with restraints in a cell and she was fighting the restraints,” explained Silver.

That’s such a brilliant line. I couldn’t have come up with it myself, so I’m stealing it.

I should explain that the reason all these MSN headlines are popping up in here is because, after a year of getting my Hotmail via Outlook Express, I’m now suddenly being deluged with teaser headlines whenever I check it on the interweb here at work. The sheer dumbness of them is still a novelty. Trying to get people to read your insipid articles by putting teaser headline boxes under every sent mail confirmation is dumb too, but, well, obviously it works.