This is a long, relieved expulsion of breath. I got into UC, and I got in with full tuition.

There’s no stipend or anything, as far as I know, so I’d be working or borrowing heavily–I’m not clear on how using student loans for cost of living works, exactly. UC is also not my top personal choice, but it’s a choice, and it’s a very good choice, departmentwise. It comes recommended from not only Dr. Shannon, but my uncle John, the man who first bribed me (with Monopoly money) to “think about Centre.” And obviously that turned out okay.

I’m still waiting to hear from (in order of likelihood) UK, U of L, IU, UCLA, Carnegie Mellon, and Dartmouth. UW has already said no, if not officially. I think that’s what had me nervous about it–the fact that my first response was declination. It was very easy to believe that they’d just keep coming in.

They didn’t, though. One way or another, I will be in grad school in the fall. It’s nice to have a little ground back under my feet.