::::   “You’re a traitor to the Pirate Cause!” —Squid the Urchin   :::

Ian is heading out West. It will be an adventure.

How do I know it will be an adventure?

Because Ian is heading out West.

I remember the exact day that Ian turned cool. It was the same day my brother Jerome got married. I don’t recall the year, but during the wedding reception there was a precise moment when Ian turned unmistakably cool. Most likely he’d already been semi-cool for a long time.

I remember reading Ian’s blog for quite a while, but I guess it hurt too much, so I stopped. It made me think a lot about the painful stuff I couldn’t write down at his age. I hadn’t learned yet how to use my journal to transmute all that torment. I chose to do stupid stuff instead. It was a time when young people did a lot of stupid stuff. Maybe it was more like today than I recognize. Maybe not.

I also remember the time when another of my brothers decided to create a new nickname for Ian. James tried to get people to say “Largian.” It didn’t stick. Lot’s of things never stuck to Ian.

Good luck, my nephew.

Be safe. Have fun.

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