Various & Sundry, part twenty-six

— Month of October workout totals: Swim-4; Bike-1; Run-3; Lift-0; Yoga-0

— I’ve been wondering why I’ve felt tired lately, and this morning it became obvious to me just how much the frequency of my exercise has dropped off over the last couple weeks. Wouldn’t you think I’d have more energy if I wasn’t out running and cycling? No, gang—it works the opposite way. And so I made my way to the pool at noon to put this period of inactivity behind me with a solid workout, which included an 850-yard swim in 16:22.

Bruce continues to improve at home, but needs 24/7 care. Pam got a new job, so that means Dana will be staying there to help until Terie can go up to relieve her. I saw Dr. Liebschutz today and when I told him that Bruce was out of the hospital, all he could say was “Unbelievable.”

— I picked up Marty after school and we went to dinner at the King Buffet and then stopped for groceries. Lee and David had extra tickets for Leahy at Norton Center, so we walked over to the concert, but decided to leave at intermission. There was nothing about the performance that was disappointing. We just didn’t want to stay out that late. The dynamic ensemble of brothers and sisters is an impressive lot, and they’re shaping up to be the most successful group of musicians to come out of Canada since The Guess Who.

V & S

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