Tales of the Graybeard Prospector III

•   Attended a joint meeting of Fiscal Court magistrates plus the elected officials of all three cities in Boyle County—Danville, Perryville, and Junction City. In my capacity as a member of the Kentucky Bicycle and Bikeway Commission (KBBC), I advocated for a strengthening of language that deals with bicycling and pedestrian concerns within the Goals and Objectives for the new five-year Comprehensive Plan.

They ended up overwhelmingly passing a minor amendment to the transportation section. More important was the opportunity to raise public awareness of the need to take into consideration the interests of walkers and cyclists when planning and building transportation infrastructure, in keeping with relatively new state and federal policies that promote the benefits associated with traveling by bike or on foot.

I don’t know if these activities I take on as a result of being appointed by the Governor will enhance my separate effort to generate new projects for the studio, but if public policy leadership in one area convinces someone that I could be a good resource for image promotion or communications planning in another area… well, so be it.

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