The universe is full of stuff

Anyone who actually visits this site is probably quite familiar by now with how I’ve provided numerous updates dealing with Bruce’s ten-month medical ordeal. Anyone who actually visits this site is probably already familiar with some of his private difficulties, of which I’ve never provided details here.

I learned today that some of my recent wording struck a nerve. Most likely it was when I wrote, “the conditions of his personal life are too harsh for me to present…” Even that level of discretion was apparently offensive.

I don’t consider my use of the word “harsh” to be inaccurate, nor is it even slightly exaggerated. Displeasure undoubtedly arose from the mere fact that I said anything at all which might touch on the reality that all is not well.

I would hope that another truthful statement is that the very people who regularly like to know what’s on Uncle John’s mind are the same people who care for Bruce deeply. As far as I’m concerned, anyone else is not welcome at this site, and I urge you to find better uses for your time. The rest of you come here for my candid thoughts and opinions about almost anything, including my family.

Keep coming back. I’ll do my “dangdist” to let you know what I really think about, and, to the best of my ability, I’ll avoid unnecessarily ruffling any feathers. If you disagree with me—and I’d expect that most individuals would, from time to time—you can take Brendan up on his offer to host a blog for your viewpoints, too. For good or ill, this is the era of The Blog… Hey, it’s almost like it’s the 21st Century, man!

And if you want to know something else, I learned to blog from the Adkins brothers, and they’re not known for pulling a punch (especially Ian)—when they punch, that is—which isn’t very often, because they’re nice guys, but they do know how to punch, because they used to do martial arts and stuff and kicked hind end in video games and watched a lot of movies where guys get punched and kicked a lot, and sometimes you can see the blood and it doesn’t look fake and the ruffled feathers are sorta pink and bloody and sticky, and if it wasn’t a movie it would smell like a Kentucky cock-fighting pit, if you know what I mean…

I love you, Bruce.

That’s why, when I look back over my year of log entries, your amazing story is…

• • •  the top highlight of 2005  • • •

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