Tales of the Graybeard Prospector XVIII

• The bewhiskered nugget hunter has gained the upper hand again, and he motivated me to string together one prospecting opportunity after another. Within a 24-hour period I worked the phone to get in to see the local economic developer (so I could pitch our Website services) and set into motion my Michigan contact for a greater regional outreach. I sat down with the director of a new social service agency and discussed their promotional challenges. After successfully following up with a banker who was impressed with our presence at the small biz conference, I stopped by to introduce myself to the principals of the new animation studio in Downtown Danville. Then I took a retired phone system executive to lunch at the Rotary Club. He’s moved to town to join a firm of mining consultants with contacts in South Africa and Russia. This evening we hit the political scene and panned for a bit of dust at a fundraiser, relaxing our long-standing aversion to campaign advertising assignments.

“That’s more like it… Reckon I oughta take the dang mule whip to him more often!”

. . . G B P . . .

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