Idea grinders

March Exercise V —day four— Sometimes I think that on any given day, there is one primary lesson that the universe is trying to drive home with me. At breakfast I was flipping through Twyla Tharp’s The Creative Habit, searching for her discussion about generating ideas. She explains her adherence to “the unshakable rule that you don’t have a really good idea until you combine two little ideas,” and goes on to say, “That is why you scratch for little ideas. Without the little ideas, there are no big ideas.” Later, during our typical tray lunch watching Charlie Rose, General David Patraeus said, “I wish that great ideas dropped from a tree like Newton’s apple, but it doesn’t work that way for me. We have to bang around a lot of small ideas to come up with the big idea.” So there you have it. It’s all about the grind.

Today’s sight bite— The dark-suited undertaker carefully placing a quilt on the rear seat —c-l-i-c-k— as a chill wind gusts from out of the north.

Previously on M-Ex— I am unexpectedly “in the pit” as Bruce regains some of his equilibrium. (3/4/09)

Tomorrow— A celebration for Grammo…


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