Category: Grad School

Did okay on the final, I think. And it stopped raining. Today is back but on probation.

In forty-five minutes, I have to walk a good half-mile from the bus stop to my dreaded Prob and Stat final. In the pouring rain. Today is fired.

I’ve been panicking on and off for a little while here, trying to make myself remember to register for fall term. If they let me come back to school. But anyway, I registered really late last fall and didn’t get all the classes I wanted, so I keep beating myself about the head and shoulders, trying to make myself do it.

I finally remembered while at a university computer today, and clicked frantically through the (horrible) catalog system… to find that nobody else has registered either. I guess it’s okay to wait until summer, or at least until I meet with my advisor.

I did do one thing already, though. As of this fall, I am FINALLY IN SOFTWARE ENGINEERING.

I have filed the FAFSA six times, and that is too many times

Bet you’re all worried about your taxes now, huh? Tomorrow’s April 15th! WoooOOOooo! Tax Day! Better get ready! Eli’s comin’! Eli’s comin’!

Okay, actually I don’t even know anybody who’s freaked out about taxes. I was going to try and gloat because I got mine done a month ago, when I filed the FAFSA for hopefully the last time ever. Unless it’s not.

So no gloating. I guess I shouldn’t gloat anyway. It’s not like I know for sure I’ll be done with grad school in a year, or that… you know, it’s like those rare times when I get something done early. And there’s not any… I just…


Mood: Depressed

Music: Gary Jules – “I Was Sad Because My Cat Died”

Whoa. Why just work at Google when you could work for Google on the moon?

Actually, they are hiring for real, which is intriguing. I hope they’ll still be doing it when I finally graduate. Seeing job opp pages at my dream companies always sets my heart a-thunderin’–until I remind myself that oh yeah, I’m still in school, and even if I were that good a programmer they’re not going to let me in the door without a couple years of pro experience first.

It’s nice to think about, though. I mean, the moon.

It’s only March

My notes are mostly doodles now, but I can’t claim the same kind of downhill slide as Amy, because they were mostly doodles to begin with. I think the first page of last semester’s notebook was all doodles.

What it gets down to is that I don’t pay much attention in class, which is bad. But the professor for whom I have two of my classes hands out hard copies of his PowerPoint presentations every day, which is good. But I’m still not doing well in two of my classes, which is bad. But I get a lot of writing and drawing done, which is good. But I’m still not drawing comics and I haven’t gotten around to publishing my writing project yet, which is bad.

Grad school is proving very useful to me, in that I’m a much better programmer than I was six months ago, and also now I understand frequencies. It may well be, though, that it proves more useful as a way of forcing me to create via an acute and growing distaste for computer science. If I actually had a way to make a living writing, I know perfectly well that I would instead play Dynasty Warriors and never write anything, until I ran out of food and starved. But being stuck in a quiet room with lots of math and Web Serwices[1] is a pretty efficient way to turn my desire for escape into a very exacting word count.

Amy’s blog is pretty great, by the way.

[1] Not a typo.

As a follow-up to my last entry, yes, I’m taking Probability and Statistics (“For Engineers,” which apparently means “For Dummies”) for the first time. In grad school. There are reasons I didn’t really feel comfortable about my undergrad Comp Sci education.

In fact, as a follow-up to this entry, I should mention here that last week I dropped a class for the first time in my educational career. It required PnS, and the idea was I’d take both at the same time and catch up as we went along, but there were no dice happening there. It was my only Tues-Thurs class, so I’m back to working two full days a week again. Plus ça change.

I wear a winter hat in the winter–the kind of hat variously referred to as a wool hat, a skiing hat, a skull beanie or a sipple cap. You know what I mean. Mine is dark blue and says GUSTER on the front. It keeps keep me warm very nicely, but because I have ridiculously fine hair, removing it causes a static explosion–the kind of wildly divergent hairdo that made me a pariah for life in middle school and now causes my roommate no end of amusement.

The other day in Prob ‘n’ Stat, I looked around the class at perfect coifs and wondered if anyone else there wore my kind of hat. If so, how did they keep–wait! There were people wearing wool hats! They apparently just never take them off all day.

That’s brilliant!

Oh, yeah, and it was pretty icy here for a while, especially Sunday and Monday. My classes yesterday were on a 2-hour delay, which was nice, I guess, but I really wanted them cancelled, and the delay was kind of like getting candy instead of cake on your birthday. I mean, come on. It’s been five years since I had a surprise day off, and I’m going to a public school again! I am entitled to snow days!


3.3333! That’s an exclamation mark, not a factorial sign. Just for accuracy’s sake. I don’t really know how many threes there are supposed to be; that number just looked right.