Category: X Night Ballers

Here’s some things.

Thing One I never write about my life in here anymore, because I’m increasingly disconnected from school (a drive-through with occasional stressfalls) and work (a drive-through). Of the interesting things I do in my free time, everybody who’s interested in them is, well, already there (see Blognomic, Anacrusis and Tuesday now Thursday Night Basketball).

Thing Two But there is something I need to write about my life, which is that last Tuesday, Maria and I accompanied her mother on a trip to Sam’s Club. While hungry.

Never do this.

You can pretty much guess the results. We got all American on that place, and will never be able to eat everything we bought before it spoils. Anybody need, oh, an acre of croissants or two stone of grated parmesan? Come on over! We ran out of cabinet room!

Thing C I can’t figure out if I like Buttercup Festival or not, but it’s hard to resist a Sharpie-drawn strip that features Space Björk and mouth harp-loving frogs.

Thing F I have succumbed to clickolinko.

Thing Last Ergo, PUPPY!

The Tuesday Night Ballers reached second level tonight, a momentous occasion and probably the most significant hurdle in a long-term campaign. I haven’t been easy on them, either. They can now stand up to attacks from lone, unarmed opponents without the threat of instant death; this opens up all kinds of possibilities, and I’m looking forward to seeing how the whole thing develops.

If you haven’t figured out what Tuesday Night Basketball is by now, you probably never will. If you have, let’s face it, you’re just as guilty as any of us.

It’s getting to be less “luck” and more “frightening skill”

Maria won Illuminati again. Sean and I (we were playing teams) were one card away from victory, playing as the Bermuda Triangle and with the Orbital Mind Control Lasers already in our grasp, and we rolled an 11 and she won. I hate the stupid Discordians.

It was still pretty much the best power structure, and the fastest, I’ve ever built. We probably committed the classic error of looking too dangerous early on. Also, Maria wants me to tell you that her brother Michael was her partner, but we all know it was her heathen luck that carried the day.

Lately, with the absence of Captain Rodchester, Tuesday Night Basketball has transitioned to a kind of Weekly Illuminati Night, Where Maria Always Wins. That’s right. Maria has won every single one of our (three) games, including the first one, when she’d never laid hands on it before. I hate Maria.

Expect a spate of posts about Illuminati now, in the fashion of many geeks when just getting into Illuminati. Also, I’ll probably complain about the Society of Assassins, whom I apparently draw 75% of the time, and whom I am growing to hate. Assassins suck. Give me the Bermuda Triangle.

Secret Conspiracy Update: If you google for “steve jackson” illuminati, this ISP in Austin comes up as like the second result, despite the fact that they in no way mention either a) “steve jackson” or b) Illuminati. Dun dun DUNNN!

Okay, I’m not sure what that proves.