Category: Lisa Brown

Unless I’m mistaken, Lisa and Flora and some other neat people graduated today. Congratulations, Lisa and Flora and other neat people!

Ken, Maria and I rolled down to l’Centre on Saturday to coo over Lisa’s senior show, which was all very massive color-gradient glass pieces, and awesome. I can’t really describe them to you–she has a couple pics up, but seeing them in three dimensions and with more light was much better.

The next day, Maria and I argued over whether or not I am indie–something for which I vaguely hope, but never considered myself cool enough to achieve. She pointed out that in addition to my mild but distinguished collection of obscure t-shirts, I do know two glassblowers, and that’s some solid cred there. I should have known that in the indie world, friends are primarily status symbols and tools to an end. (And for the record, Maria used to date a rock star, so I’m pretty much never going to be indier than she is.)

Das Lisenstein came over yesterday to be Warioed and Starfoxed and watch a bunch of Captain Power episodes that she left in Rodes 2. Captain Power made a pretty strong impression on me at age 6, largely because I was fascinated by the fact that you could use the (expensive) toys to shoot at the screen, and the screen would shoot back.

I never had the toys, of course, and in fact didn’t watch many of the episodes; I’m not sure I would have liked it that much, since some of what we watched would probably have been a little over my 6-year-old head. The episodes dealt with themes of brainwashing, dead children and torture, among other things, and apparently this is part of the reason it was only on for one year.

Also, I got a sneaking suspicion after one character (“Tank”) mentioned offhand that he was a product of genetic engineering from Babylon 5 (and yet was also, somehow, “from the streets”). And as it turns out, J. Michael Straczynski wrote several episodes. Checking his IMDB entry reveals that he also wrote a bunch for the He-Man, She-Ra, Wheeled Warriors and Ghostbusters cartoons.

It’s like the entire trend in toy-driven 80s cartoons can be traced back to one guy! Not to mention half of what probably makes up my subconscious value system. For instance, the deep belief that Brian Hynek sucked, because he had the Captain Power toys, and I didn’t.

Barry Smith has proposed May Day as 24-Hour Webcomic Day, and I really want to participate. I have a physical need to draw comics again, and I can’t seem to make the opportunities happen, so maybe this will help. I could finally wrap up the neverending “Fire” arc in Xorph and maybe even start the next one. Also, it’s the weekend before my birthday, which means I get to punish myself for being old, and Maria’s going to be cramming for exams anyway–it’s nice to have company (Solitary Confinement notwithstanding).

What I’d really like is to do it with a couple of other comics people, but I don’t see that happening, since my comics people friends are scattered far and wee. I wonder if AIM supports multiple-voice chat. Or if you can do a comics jam on a train.

(For the record, no, I couldn’t do the real 24 Hour Comics Day even if there were a host store in Louisville; apparently all my finals are on April 26th.)

As today’s Stone Soup points out, it’s actually pretty silly to even think about working today, but for some reason I did, and dragged myself out of bed at 6:30 just as normal. It was a little strange to be one of like four (as opposed to eighty) people waiting for an elevator, and a little stranger when all the lights on our part of the floor were deliberately off. When I read that comic strip and waited an hour and still only tech support was there, I took off like one of the wiser characters in a survival horror movie.

After that I mostly… slept? And played Double Dash. Maria got a GameCube for Christmas, so unless she bans me from using it I’ll probably never accomplish anything worthwhile again. We actually unlocked almost everything on New Year’s Eve, along with our stay-in-and-snack companion Lisa, but we lacked a memory card at that point and were bereft of saving ability. I got one of those on the aforementioned trip home from work today, so now we get to do it all again. This is a fine and noble thing.

Tonight it’s out to dinner at some fancy place where they make you eat so slowly that it takes two hours to finish the soup, then Strizzle Lizzle rehizzle, and finally sometime after midnight Ian and I will drive to the hinterlands and crash (as in sleep, not… hit things). The next morning, we and forty of our closest relatives will race tiny cars down a track for eight hours until one emerges supreme. Seriously. We’ve been doing it every year since before I was born.

I want the Cubs to win the pennant an awful lot. I think I’m becoming a Cubs fan, and it’s all my grandmother’s fault! Plus I tend to like things that lose.

Yeah, I got nothing. Boring weekend.

Update 2337 hrs: No! Not boring! I forgot about seeing Lisa yesterday, and comic shopping, and picking up my first Powers collection, and finding it one of my favorite things ever. Permit me to dork out for a moment, but Brian Michael Bendis is fast becoming my favorite comics writer. Okay, out-dorking complete.

Also finally got a couple of secret projects up to date. One of these you may well already know about, as it’s not terribly hard to find. The other you probably don’t!

And I have health insurance now. Just in case you were wondering.

There’s a bit of rough going, as you might have noticed, as I try to install my journal software on the new server. It’ll be back, honest idjit. Meanwhile, things I’ve been meaning to talk about:

  • Sumana has not only been published in Salon, she’s also turned 22 (Sumana is younger than me. I can’t stand it) and written what is possibly the definitive blog entry on spam.
  • Lisa is back at school, next to Flora, having fun without me and taking my single favorite picture of a door ever.
  • My roommate Maria is taking about eighteen exams today, over there in dag blasted medical school. Wish her luck! I’m not really worried about her, since (as I recently discovered) she has a photographic memory. Never try to win an argument with someone who has a photographic memory. Or rather, try as you will, but get ready to lose a lot.
  • The new work-school-rest-school-work schedule is working out very well–it’s a lot of effort, but I’m never as tired as I was this summer, partly because the breakup in my week keeps me refreshed and life interesting. I’m also doing a lot at work. Putting up dummy pages for my journal, for instance. No, I’m not doing anything actually work-related.

That’s most of it. With any luck, the journal will be back this week, but I wouldn’t wager any real estate on it. Meanwhile, if I have any updates of lesser importance, I’ll post in the (again) spanking new forums. Take care. Wear a jacket.

Ben Folds was stunning, again, this time even more so because he was playing solo–just him and the piano (which I think is still the name of the tour)–and it didn’t feel like anything was missing. He got an almost unfair amount of music out of it: stomping the pedals like a kick drum, tapping on the mike in lieu of toms, and of course conducting the audience in place of strings or trumpets or whatever.

And that might be the best part. I went in planning to scream for Where’s Summer B.?, easily my favorite BF5 song and one I didn’t really expect to hear even upon request. And he DID play it! Without provocation, as like the fourth song! And we got to sing the best background vocals in any song ever!

So that was good. And then! Not only did I finally meet Jon’s friend Ana, who is unspeakably cool, but we met a bunch of UK friends at the Tolly Ho afterwards. These included my old friend Audrey, whom I hadn’t seen since spring (and before that not for probably two years), and her roommate Alden, whom I’d never met. It was a great time.

And then, the next day, Audrey and I were commenting (via email) about how much fun the whole thing was, and that we should hang out more often, and I asked her to the Centre fall dance and she totally said yeah!

The (large) part of me that is still a sophomore in high school is dancing for joy right now.

Anyway, the week has been work work rehearse rehearse other than that. This weekend’s Centre homecoming, and though it can’t possibly match my own for nostalgia, I’m sure it will surpass it in quantity of graduated friends. Or you could take Lisa’s hunch and predict that it’s going to be “mad drama.” Whatever. I’m just looking forward to sleeping in.

so she won’t sleep better alone
and they won’t feel better alone