Ace Among Men

• He was my first true friend, a co-conspirator of the imagination, and comrade in callow youth.

• He was called a “Handsome Brute,” and once upon a time he was surely both, although he chose to confine his measured brutality to the mat or gridiron.

• Even as he carries outwardly his Seitz heritage, the quiet attributes of his father are in clear evidence—a deep love of the land, with steadfast devotion to his work and family.

• Also like our father, to whatever he turns his hand or mind, he does it exceedingly well, and to those he turns his heart, there is no greater loyalty or trust.

• He found a way to fuse the world of his dreams with the practicalities of daily life, and, thereby, his contributions to the legacy of our Clan are immeasurable. Indeed, his greatest achievements may lie ahead.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my brother, James. I love you, forever…

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