Milestones vs withered koans

March experiment—day twenty-three— It’s taken me three weeks to zero in on hidden patterns of thought and feeling engraved deeply in the way I prepare for a presentation. These are inner habits rooted in college-era indoctrination. Now I’m beginning to understand that one must not only compartmentalize goal-oriented activity, but also the emotional content associated with specific areas of focus. There is room for concern, expectation, intensity, and enthusiasm with respect to the challenge at hand, but not for worthless anxiety about what is not getting accomplished in other areas of life, no matter how important or necessary it may be. The energy conserved can be used for creativity and poise, the best prerequisites for moving forward on schedule to the next priority.

Today’s sight bite— The geometric designs of his bright red sleeveless sweater—c-l-i-c-k—as our client forms his first impressions of the visual concepts before him on the conference table.

Tomorrow— Ten miles on foot at dawn, Band Festival ideas, new branding for swim attire, and a date with the vacuum cleaner…

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