Today NewsBruiser tells me that Anacrusis has 261 entries. That’s not a particularly impressive or symbolic number, but it’s still a big deal, because the idea behind Anacrusis is to write and post a story every weekday. There are (two times fifty-two) 104 weekend days in a year, and 365 – 104 = 261. I have an official year’s worth of Anacrusis, and if all goes well, September 13th should be the anniversary for at least the next few years (until it ends up falling on a weekend too).

I actually posted the very first story on July 18, 2003, but then I missed all of September due to webhost issues and skipped a couple more weeks here and there, too, because nobody was reading it and it didn’t matter. I’m better about that now. I figure a couple more years of this, and I should have something worthwhile.